build and grow again as a business

jump like never before and land safe

1999 - 2018 Making of Systems Thinking, Smart Logistics & Smart Mobility

How physical and digital mobility enhances business networks and corporate growth ...
Dr. Barbara Flügge worked in global trade, customs as a service, product as a service and setup ecosystems thinking to sustain future growth.
She encourages more than 160.000 readers, students and longlive learners, project teams and decision makers.

2018 - 2021 Making of MOBILITY MOVES MINDS

How resilient is your business ...
Barbara asked this question when quitting SAP and 16.5 years of corporate life, leaving a Silicon Valley startup and Strategy Consultancies behind
How can you as medium sized and large corporation grow again ...
We wanted to better understand the "mobility capacity" of corporations
We kicked off MOBILITY MOVES MINDS by end of 2018 ...
To get to know why physical mobility and digital solutions are not sufficient to make a company grow
We identified a triad of corporate mobility namely physical, digital, and mental mobility
We turned the focus back on the people that make companies create, invent, and grow 
We learned how people are impacting a company's capability to see more than "just" an incident
In our community project we revealed a connect between individual resilience and corporate growth capacity
Over 2.5 years we focused on the why that make individuals impact corporate state of play
Barbara identified what corporations could do to enhance their portfolio
Barbara designed the how, a practical toolset that fosters the resilience of corporations
Barbara involved 20 individuals from more than 15 organizations - all of them have a strong business and strong social acumen
MOBILITY MOVES MINDS introduces a novel practitioner oriented corporate strategy
MMM identifies the resilience level of any individual
MMM helps you protect your business better to external and internal incidents
MMM provides a toolset - the R-Tool® - that scores your actions and help you grow again
MMM R-Tool® can be applied right away - it helps you get started - and move on ...

Click here to get your special copy right at your tablet and smartphone

Business clients can add their tax id and business address for book keeping in the next step.

Our contributors. Without the contributors we would not have been able to conduct the Mobility Moves Minds project in the present format. The project is a result of your heart and soul, dear contributors, and your courage to reveal your insights about personal and entrepreneurial resilience and make them accessible to our reader and study community.

Die Beitragenden. Ohne die Beitragenden wäre MMM in der vorliegenden Form nicht möglich und das Projekt nicht realisierbar gewesen. Wir danken für Euren Mut, dass Ihr Eure Insights zu persönlicher und unternehmerischer Widerstandsfähigkeit mit uns und allen Leser*innen geteilt habt.

"From my point of view the most impressive about the book "Mobility move minds" is that it creates a very convincing connection between the areas of physical mobility, the necessity to build up more sustainable companies and the mental mobility and behavior of people.

 Mobility in general means participation in social life, freedom and agility. This is exactly what the management of a company needs in order to make business processes more flexible and resilient to the increasing environmental influences and the rapid changes in the markets. This in turn requires staff, employees and people who can mentally adapt to the fast-changing environments and develop resilience, such as homeless entrepreneurs, whose organisation is supported by parts of the revenue from the sales of the book – which is really great!"

Prof. Dr. oec. habil. Ulrike Stopka

Das Buch ist beides, Leselektüre und Studium von 17 Lebenseinstellungen, dem Superorganismus und vielem mehr. Es erarbeitet Ihnen den Weg in die unternehmerische Resilienz, nutzt die Flughöhe der Unternehmenslenker und kommt wieder auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück - damit Sie bereits während des Lesens anfangen können, als Unternehmen zu wachsen.

The book is both reading and study material: it vividly portrays 17 life attitudes, the superorganism and more. It works out your path to entrepreneurial resilience, uses the flight altitude of corporate leaders and comes back down to earth - so that you can begin to grow as a business as a leader, a team or for your very own career.

Deutsche Ausgabe - Inhalt

- 17 Live Stories aus 3 Kontinenten und 13 Branchen
- Kernbotschaften zu individueller Resilienz-Befähigung
- Kernbotschaften zu Resilienz-Befähigung als Führungskraft
- Resilienz Übungen für direkten Einsatz in Alltag und Beruf
- 7 Säulen der unternehmerischen Resilienz
- 7 Themen von 5 Expert*innen aufbereitet für den praktischen Einsatz bei Ihnen im Unternehmen
- Einführung der Resilienz Membrane
- Diversität der Resilienz
- R-Tool® Vorgehensmodell
- Referenz-Architektur Mobility Moves Minds

Ideal für

  • Geschäftsleitung und Vorstand
  • Strategie- und Bereichsleitung
  • Führungskräfte
  • Entscheider*innen in Privatwirtschaft & öffentlicher Verwaltung
  • Innovationstreiber und Entrepreneure
  • Projektleitung
  • Expert*innen
  • Executive Coaches
  • Alle, die etwas über Resilienz wissen wollen

MMM ist das Ergebnis eines 2-jährigen Gemeinschaftsprojektes in Zusammenarbeit mit Expert*innen, Führungskräften, Selbständigen, Wissenschaftler*innen und Coaches.

English Edition - Content

- 17 Live Stories from 3 continents and 13 industry segments
- Key Takeaways concerning individual Resilience Build
- Key Takeaways concerning managerial Resilience Build
- Resilience Exercise Box for direct use in Daily Business
- Introducing entrepreneurial Resilience Management
- 7 Pillars that build your Organizational Resilience
- 7 Themes from 5 experts that help you in the utmost practical manner to apply the findings right away
- Diversity of Resilience
- R-Tool® Procedure Model
- Reference Architecture Mobility Moves Minds

Ideal for

  • Executives & C-Suite
  • Strategy and department heads
  • Leaders & team leads
  • Decision takers & makers in corporate life and public sector
  • Innovation drivers and disruptors
  • Project manager
  • Experts
  • Executive Coaches
  • Everyone who has an interest in learning about resilency

MMM is the result of a 2-years community project in collaboration with experts, leaders, self-employed & startups, scientists and coaches.

Be First. Explore your resilience with the R-Tool ®.
Beyond the norm. Unique in design. Ready to use.

Pre-ordering the book brings you at the forefront.
Enjoy the red carpet voucher that comes with the book.

Be First. Explore your resilience with the R-Tool ®.
Beyond the norm. Unique in design. Ready to use.

Pre-ordering the book brings you at the forefront.
Enjoy the red carpet voucher that comes with the book.

17 Business Insight Stories about the matter of resilience, personal and business growth - 7 Themes - 5 Resilience Insights - 1 Procedural Model - 99 Takeaways and Exercises

Global stories made by you.
Stories that tell about you and us. Resilience characteristics you told us.
Stories that share what concerns, what amazes us, what keeps us moving.

Gain Insights. From a truly global team. Grow again.
Be a Book Reader. Become a Resilience Master Mind.

MOBILITY MOVES MINDS emerged before the pandemic to help you through the crisis and grow again. A multi-year project at your fingertips.

Welcome back the feeling of confidence, cognitive flexibility, empathy, team and staff alignment, clearer skies than before, a financially savvy front office & much more. 

Resilience is a complex topic. We make it easy to understand.
We look behind decisions. We simplify. We remove the clutter of bureaucracy.
The R-Tool ® will turn into the utmost practical tool for the turnaround.

Pick your language: English Edition + Deutsche Ausgabe.
320+ Pages each. Stories. Science. Servitize. Release 04/2021.

Crazy to do this. Endless efforts to be as precise as possible.
Practical for you. Helpful to understand your global business partners. 
Stories. Science. Servitize. Way before Corona hit us hard and make us learn.

You support with your book purchase directly the NGO #HomelessEntrepreneur (#HE): 20% of the profit go to #HE

You let grow. Your book purchase shows your are caring for NGOs.
You move minds by helping creating job opportunities for the homeless.
You let companies win back by giving. 

Watch out for the Freebies und kostenlose Downloads 
'cause you are not alone

Two for YOU


  • 2 Premium print books English
  • Signed by lead Barbara Fluegge
  • 2 Soft print notepads
  • Delivery included

company take-off


  • 10 soft cover Books
  • Select the language mix
  • 2 hours inspirational talk
  • Webinar in English or Deutsch
  • Entire staff - company wide & online
  • Direct mail (surcharge applies)

Company & clients


  • 30 soft cover Books
  • Select the language mix
  • 2 hours inspirational talk
  • Webinar in English or Deutsch
  • Entire staff - company wide & online
  • Delivery inhouse drop-off (surcharge)

Organizational resilience is a fundamental characteristic of self-determination and organizational, withstanding. Mobility Moves Minds reveals the capability of your organization to undertake a reset, to build strength and grow again.

Organisatorische Resilienz ist ein grundlegendes Merkmal von Selbstbestimmung und organisatorischer Wandlungsfähigkeit. Mobility Moves Minds offenbart die Fähigkeit Ihrer Organisation, einen Reset vorzunehmen, Stärke aufzubauen und zu wachsen.

Through the R-Tool® you will be able to identify incidents, change, disruption and measure the impact on your organization and your ecosystem.

Mit dem R-Tool® können Sie Vorfälle, Veränderungen und Störungen identifizieren und deren Auswirkung auf Organisation, Um-Welt und Ökosystem messen.

The Resilience ABC: Experience the impact of Mobility Moves Minds and the R-Tool® on your product portfolio and responsiveness. You will be experiencing alternatives to labor intense supply chains, storage, and alignment costs. Access to the Resilience ABC is possible via the book.

Das Resilienz ABC: Erleben Sie die Auswirkungen von Mobility Moves Minds und dem R-Tool® auf Ihr Produktportfolio und Ihr Antwortzeitverhalten. Sie werden Alternativen zu arbeits-intensiven Lieferketten, Aufwand für Lagerhaltung und Markteintritt erleben. Der Zugang zum ABC geht über das Buch.

You will be enhancing your corporate performance. We will be learning how to apply digital services and social business models. You will advancing as power performing service company your clients, partners, business partners, ecosystems.

Sie werden Ihre Unternehmensleistung steigern. Lernen Sie digitale Services und soziale Geschäftsmodelle anwenden. Prüfen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Kunden und Geschäftspartner weiterentwickeln und so sich als leistungsfähiges Dienstleistungsunternehmen in den Ökosystemen etablieren.

Who initiated Mobility Moves Minds?

First things first: Mobility Moves Minds is a social business community project that DoktorB Fluegge started more than 2 years ago - way before Corona she continued her research about entrepreneurial resiliency in projects around the globe. She also refers to it as "corporate agility" aka corporate mobility.

A digitalization consultant with a worldwide reputation for networked ecosystem-wide transformation and implementation, DoktorB will apply 20 years of c-suite experience as she dives into your company challenges, before supporting you to reach new heights of success.

A highly skilled writer, editor, and publisher that knows the business by heart. DoktorB has a global reputation in the Smart Mobility, Transformation and Corporate Resilience sector, a profound executive and deployment strategist with a reader community of more than 160.000 readers from C-Suite, innovation and strategy units, projects teams, reseachers and lecturers, talents and startups. 

She disseminates knowhow and service growth how-tos. Through her dissemination and innovation solutions she coaches executives and leaders. She sets and shares trends onsite and throughout publications and selected conferences as well as in client mandates. Her transformational work helps companies and staff to perform better in a sustainable manner.
And you are a part of it.

DoktorB combines digital and strategic, mental and creative elements in a surprisingly ease-of-use manner to the benefit of THE BOOK Mobility Moves Minds readers.

Wer initiierte Mobility Moves Minds?

First things first: Mobility Moves Minds ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, das wir vor über 2 Jahren gestartet haben. Lange vor Corona hatte DoktorB sich mit unternehmerischer Resilienz und der "corporate agility" (oder besser corporate mobility) in zahlreichen Projekten weltweit beschäftigt.

Als Digitalisierungsberater*innen mit weltweitem Renommee für vernetzte, ökosystemweite Transformation und Implementierung bringen wir unsere 20-jährige Erfahrung aus der Arbeit mit Executives ein. Wir tauchen in die Herausforderungen Ihres Unternehmens ein. Um Sie dann dabei zu unterstützen, neue Erfolgshöhen zu erreichen.

Als erfahrene Autorin, Redakteurin und Herausgeberin, die das Geschäft in- und auswendig kennt, ist DoktorB weltweit für ihre Smart Mobility und Digitzing Ecosystems Veröffentlichungen bekannt. Sie ist eine profunde Führungskraft und Umsetzungsexpertin. Mehr als 160.000 Leser*innen, C-Level, Innovations- und Strategieverantwortliche, Projektteams, Forscher, Dozenten, Talente, Startups und alle, die an nachhaltigen Trends Interesse haben, lesen ihre Bücher.

DoktorB vermittelt Wissen und Projekterfahrungen anschaulich und begleitet Entscheider und Führungskräfte in ihren Beiträgen. DoktorB setzt Trends und teilt sie in Publikationen und Konferenzbeiträgen sowie im Rahmen von Transformationsaufträgen für Unternehmen von A bis Z, beispielsweise für D wie Daimler I wie Intusdata, K wie Kärntner Sparkasse, S wie SAP oder T wie Transnet. Unternehmerische Resilienz ist ein Novum im Markt. Und Sie sind ein Teil davon.

Success. It is right at your finger tips: DoktorB's bestselling expertise for you.

Join the community. We are serving 300.000 and more executives, leaders, projects, teams, and learners around the globe.