Why businesses need your resilience to transform.

Growth Study Book in Print & Kindle

Designed to make you thrive
told by wonderful people & organizations - telling you the truth about resilience and coming to you with a practical framework how to grow your business

Where it serves YOU

Where and Whenever you need it
at the dinner table - at the office table
for your team - in your goal setting call
to get to know again your boss & clients
start anywhere in the book - you drive.

Available in Deutsch & English

Made to grow jointly 
English Edition: 3oo+ pages
Deutsche Ausgabe: 300+ pages Premium Print - Softcover - Colored & Illustrations Real stories & experts from 4 continents.

#MobilityMovesMinds Trailer

ENJOY our new official trailer of #MobilityMovesMinds!

We worked hard to visualize and explain in the trailer firstly the complexity of challenges that hit us every day
and secondly how we will support YOU to withstand the risks and make them smaller and YOU smarter.

YOU already have the COMPENDIUM EDITION?
VERY GOOD - it tells you all you need to know the WHY: 
why businesses around the globe need YOUR resilience to transform.
Need? Guess what: Businesses even wait for YOUR resilience
to help them building and growing again their businesses
for the children and grand children's future.

We are here to serve you with our advice, methods and tools
so that YOU ARE BEING HEARD again

DR. B*)

*) Barbara's last name FLÜGGE (in German) or FLUEGGE (international spelling) is complicated to write and pronounce. 
Her students and more and more clients call her Dr. Barbara or even more simple Dr. B

Check out the details about our Mobility Book and open it here

You like to know more about #MobilityMovesminds in your situation, business, and / or team situation?
Book your slot for the call. It is 100% guaranteed free of charge - we speak Deutsch und English.

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Info Box Deutsche Ausgabe

Titel: Mobility Moves Minds - build and grow again as a business - ROTER PUNKT
Deutsche Ausgabe 346 Seiten - 15 x 23 cm Premium Softcover Ausgabe
In Farbe und farbige Illustrationen
Visuelle Bildsprache
1. Auflage des Standardwerks 2021
ISBN 978-1-925-45236-5
Dean Publishing, Australia
Copyright (c) Dr. Barbara Flügge.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


You get in over 300 pages access to

* 17 life stories,
* 7 expert reports e.g. complexity, souvereignty, space and superorganism
* 7 roadmaps to resilience
* house of resilient organizations
* 64 pages of detailed introduction into the digital and mental mobility model for your business
* role modeling and functions for your personal career and energy balance in critical situations.

Info Box English Edition

Title: Mobility Moves Minds - build and grow again as a business - YELLOW Dot
English Edition 326 pages - 15 x 23 cm
Premium Softcover
Color print edition and color illustrations
Visual Design Code
1st compendium edition 2021
ISBN 978-1-925-45235-8
Dean Publishing, Australia
Copyright (c) Dr. Barbara Flügge (Fluegge)
All rights reserved.

 "In Mobility Moves Minds Dr. Barbara Flügge provides an introspective approach to the complexity of business and the ecosystem of society. Furthermore,  there is an examination of three-tier players who are successful in business but  who can also misalign the connection as an ecosystem and fail to recognize the  optimization opportunity through the mobility of resources.

Mobility Moves Minds: it is about people. Once again, businesses recognizing their greatest assets. Having a mindset shift from the status quo or “business as usual” to a blue ocean of viable workforce of resilient people that are enablers and who elevate the business  by contributing diversity of thought and experiences.." 

Dr. Jeannice Fairrer Samani,  Fairrer Samani Group, LLC

You help.

With the purchase of the book in any option, you support the NGO for the homeless community,

 Mit dem Kauf jedes Buches - egal in welchem Paket - unterstützt du die Obdachlosenvereinigung #HomelessEntrepreneur

You study.

A community of resilience seekers for business growth - find out about their strengths and battles.

Erkenne deine unternehmerische Stärken und wie Resilienz dich der Gemeinschaft von Widerstandsfähigen und Suchenden näher bringt.

You deserve.

99 Key Takeaways, Exercises and a Roadmap to follow - from page 1 on.

Genau 99 Kernbotschaften, Übungen und ein Fahrplan - von der ersten Seite an -
346 Seiten lang.
Du wählst dein Kapitel und wirst ab da im Flow sein.

You grow your business.

Enhance your business and plant your seeds through the special MMM Tools.

Bau Dein Business aus und nutze die Setzlinge der MMM Tools für unternehmerisches Wachstum.

Das Buch ist beides, Leselektüre und Studium. Anschaulich schildert es 17 Lebens- und Businesseinstellungen, stellt einen vergessenen Superorganismus vor und vieles mehr. Es erarbeitet Ihnen den Weg in die unternehmerische Resilienz, nutzt die Flughöhe der Unternehmenslenker und kommt wieder auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück - damit Sie bereits während des Lesens anfangen können, als Unternehmen zu wachsen.

The book is both reading and study material: it vividly portrays 17 life and business attitudes, introduces a forgotten superorganism and more. It works out your path to entrepreneurial resilience, uses the flight altitude of corporate leaders and comes back down to earth - so that even as you read, you can begin to grow as a business.