To be fit for today and tomorrow, companies seek to detect the ties between people by competences, intangible and tangible structures, values and assets.
Intuition, expertise, purpose, values - only when all parts are coherent already in the beginning of business modeling, the result convinces the market.
Companies are in tox waters that consume their resources, that increase the pressure on scalable innovation , and cause obstacles and risks.
Your idea is born in your everyday life, your free time, resonating about what you are good at.
A product is the heart of your company, it determines failure and future.
A service moves you closer to your clients, builds bridges, and has what it takes to sell internationally.
In order for a sales offer that scales, there HAS TO BE OPPORTUNITY CLARITY. One-size-fits-all solutions fail to capture your uniqueness being the provider (a product vendor, coach, consultant eg.). It is expensive to communicate an average solution and even more frustrating for the consumers and your business partners to recognize the personality and the uniqueness behind your offering.
In order for a company that scales, there HAS TO BE OPPORTUNITY FUTURITY. Even more questionable are average offerings that do not serve diversity nor sustainability and leave the huge growth opportunities in these markets untapped.
In order for a sales offer to adapt and withstand market turmoils, there HAS TO BE OPPORTUNITY RESILIENCY. DoktorB developed now a course for each business opportunity sector aka industry. Yes! For each opportunity sector. Even better, to help you serving more ideal clients, DoktorB added simplified examples and investigated global brands. DoktorB added long-distance digital options that work for your sales team.
Check out now if you are ready to take on the chances.
With the quiz you detect psychological triggers and what identity your magic-to-be-offering should have.
Get started with the Opportunity Futurity Quiz.
The ABC Business Opportunity Design is ideal for you being experts, solopreneurs, and those who seek to thrive their unique business future.
You might be still unsure about your offering.
Or you like to test the resilience level of your offering.
The ABC Business Opportunity Design courses will take you to the right opportunity - it is (magically) psychology proven.
DoktorB is ideal for decision makers who want to create wealth for their company and their workforce.
DoktorB is ideal for companies that need transformational success.
DoktorB is ideal for companies with a product or product-based business idea.
DoktorB is ideal for executives and companies aiming for (digital) growth through expansion, internationalization and service transformation.
In the Diamond Week and the 26Karat Mentoring, DoktorB works with decision-makers, company management and owners that thrive with courage the transformation and the necessary esprit to steer their company creatively, consistently, and sustainably. We support succession projects. The Diamond Week is ideal for your company with 6 or more employees.
The ABC Business Opportunity Design is for experts, solopreneurs, and those who seek to thrive their unique business future and are still unsure.
DoktorB works fundamentally on the principle of actionable clarity.
Depending on the format - whether Diamond Week, 26Karat Mentoring/Coaching or your participation in the Business Opportunity Design Online Course - you will receive the results and recommendations in all seven or jointly selected success-critical business areas.
We start with a strategy meeting and align on the approach, project scope and what cooperation is needed from you or your teams - depending on the weekly, monthly and yearly plan.
Clients of DoktorB recognize where and in which markets they can develop.
Clients of DoktorB receive an analysis of their company state and the transformation concept.
Some insights from my work:
You are successful entrepreneurs and need a guideline for ad hoc questions, want to explore options and creatively consequently eliminate further weak points.
You continue to conquer the market. You transform an idea into a market offer that is ideal for you.
A discontinued product becomes an expert hit.
The process and workflow optimization from the Diamond Week is accompanied and continued in the 26Karat Mentoring.
DoktorB works systemically and with cognitive tools to make the use of energy and time as effective and efficient as possible for their clients.
Rule of thumb for working with DoktorB:
- The ABC Opportunity Futurity Quiz asks for 10-15 minutes of your time.
- ABC Business Opportunity Design challenges you in 3 x 40 minute sessions and think-through time.
- The Diamond Week is the intensive program with face-to-face, analysis and transformation time.
- 26Karat Mentoring and Coaching involve regular and individual appointments in direct exchange with DoktorB. Topics will be effectively discussed and resolved in the group for effective solving of pressing issues and options.
You benefit from more than 12,000 project days we dedicated to our clients. Options and resistances have been explored, success factors evaluated and implementations have been carried out. Directly, on-site (local and digital), in the company's team - regionally, globally, locally, internationally.
You build on DoktorB's combination skills in an effective and efficient way: Experience in projects, startups, corporate and leadership positions add DoktorB‘s methodological expertise and result in the transformation formula.
Once you apply the transformation formula, you take simple steps, you strengthen your company and your cognitive performance – you utilize our use cases of global brands, for example from the take-away business and the luxury goods industry and many other industries.
You build on DoktorB's 360° view for clients. She knows how to penetrate complex issues and situations, so that you successfully get a grip on physical-digital transformation and are able to grow through innovative-proven approaches such as 9 Business Designs and Network Sales.
Your results matter. Increased value and profitability. International growth.
I wish I could take credit for this - it's not magic.
It's our clients and our close collaboration over thousands of project days that have helped us identify a pattern of how to successfully design and implement a business idea.
The cognitive mechanisms we utilize do help you develop meaningful offerings are rooted in cognitive science and prospect theory.
Hhhhm, what we've invented though as DoctorB is a transformational formula spiced with gamification, structure and cues that we've lodged in a cognitive structure - that of the letter shapes from the alphabet. We have successfully researched, adapted, developed and implemented hundreds of business opportunities around the globe.
I can't wait to share with you what we've discovered.
Hint: The ABC Opportunity Futurity Quiz help you identify the ideal starting point.
As an entrepreneur with a strong focus on resilience and adaptability, it is a matter close to my heart to apply my knowledge of this topic to social and sustainable projects. Because both people and ecosystems have the potential to be adaptable - in other words, to overcome challenges and emerge stronger from them. Regardless of background or history.
Resilience is the ability to cope with events of all kinds and to benefit from them in such a way that they can be managed in the future with foresight rather than unpredictability. With my expertise and social responsibility, I see it as a mission to help strengthen resilience in companies and thus make dreams come true.
Because in my work, I have often seen how this pays off - be it in overcoming obstacles or adapting to unforeseen changes.
In this way, I would like to help take the taste of disaster out of every challenge and turn it into an opportunity - for example, in the following projects:
As founder and CEO of digital value creators (DVC), I help companies to independently face and overcome the digital challenges of the 21st century in order to successfully penetrate new markets.
Since 2021, I have not only been a member of the Deutsche Digitale Beiräte DDB, but also a certified Digital Advisory Board member.
In this role, I advise companies in change processes and serve as a sparring partner to their successful business transformation and entrepreneurial adaptability through supervisory and board mandates.
For #HomelessEntrepreneur I developed a social business model for companies that financially support the education and training of homeless people and at the same time strengthens the social responsibility within the companies to generate wealth through acting.
I was recently appointed to the Science Impact Circle. As a member, I provide impulses and helping transform research and science into market ready solutions for companies and locations.
Are you interested, curious or even a little skeptical? Then take advantage of my free initial 15 minute consultation, in which I will present the ABC Business Opportunity Design to you in more detail and answer all open questions.